Source code for gymnasium.wrappers.autoreset

"""Wrapper that autoreset environments when `terminated=True` or `truncated=True`."""
from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import gymnasium as gym

    from gymnasium.envs.registration import EnvSpec

[docs]class AutoResetWrapper(gym.Wrapper, gym.utils.RecordConstructorArgs): """A class for providing an automatic reset functionality for gymnasium environments when calling :meth:`self.step`. When calling step causes :meth:`Env.step` to return `terminated=True` or `truncated=True`, :meth:`Env.reset` is called, and the return format of :meth:`self.step` is as follows: ``(new_obs, final_reward, final_terminated, final_truncated, info)`` with new step API and ``(new_obs, final_reward, final_done, info)`` with the old step API. - ``new_obs`` is the first observation after calling :meth:`self.env.reset` - ``final_reward`` is the reward after calling :meth:`self.env.step`, prior to calling :meth:`self.env.reset`. - ``final_terminated`` is the terminated value before calling :meth:`self.env.reset`. - ``final_truncated`` is the truncated value before calling :meth:`self.env.reset`. Both `final_terminated` and `final_truncated` cannot be False. - ``info`` is a dict containing all the keys from the info dict returned by the call to :meth:`self.env.reset`, with an additional key "final_observation" containing the observation returned by the last call to :meth:`self.env.step` and "final_info" containing the info dict returned by the last call to :meth:`self.env.step`. Warning: When using this wrapper to collect rollouts, note that when :meth:`Env.step` returns `terminated` or `truncated`, a new observation from after calling :meth:`Env.reset` is returned by :meth:`Env.step` alongside the final reward, terminated and truncated state from the previous episode. If you need the final state from the previous episode, you need to retrieve it via the "final_observation" key in the info dict. Make sure you know what you're doing if you use this wrapper! """ def __init__(self, env: gym.Env): """A class for providing an automatic reset functionality for gymnasium environments when calling :meth:`self.step`. Args: env (gym.Env): The environment to apply the wrapper """ gym.utils.RecordConstructorArgs.__init__(self) gym.Wrapper.__init__(self, env) def step(self, action): """Steps through the environment with action and resets the environment if a terminated or truncated signal is encountered. Args: action: The action to take Returns: The autoreset environment :meth:`step` """ obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.env.step(action) if terminated or truncated: new_obs, new_info = self.env.reset() assert ( "final_observation" not in new_info ), 'info dict cannot contain key "final_observation" ' assert ( "final_info" not in new_info ), 'info dict cannot contain key "final_info" ' new_info["final_observation"] = obs new_info["final_info"] = info obs = new_obs info = new_info return obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info @property def spec(self) -> EnvSpec | None: """Modifies the environment spec to specify the `autoreset=True`.""" if self._cached_spec is not None: return self._cached_spec env_spec = self.env.spec if env_spec is not None: env_spec = deepcopy(env_spec) env_spec.autoreset = True self._cached_spec = env_spec return env_spec