Source code for gymnasium.vector.utils.shared_memory

"""Utility functions for vector environments to share memory between processes."""
import multiprocessing as mp
from collections import OrderedDict
from ctypes import c_bool
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from gymnasium.error import CustomSpaceError
from gymnasium.spaces import (

__all__ = ["create_shared_memory", "read_from_shared_memory", "write_to_shared_memory"]

[docs]@singledispatch def create_shared_memory( space: Space, n: int = 1, ctx=mp ) -> Union[dict, tuple, mp.Array]: """Create a shared memory object, to be shared across processes. This eventually contains the observations from the vectorized environment. Args: space: Observation space of a single environment in the vectorized environment. n: Number of environments in the vectorized environment (i.e. the number of processes). ctx: The multiprocess module Returns: shared_memory for the shared object across processes. Raises: CustomSpaceError: Space is not a valid :class:`gymnasium.Space` instance """ raise CustomSpaceError( "Cannot create a shared memory for space with " f"type `{type(space)}`. Shared memory only supports " "default Gymnasium spaces (e.g. `Box`, `Tuple`, " "`Dict`, etc...), and does not support custom " "Gymnasium spaces." )
@create_shared_memory.register(Box) @create_shared_memory.register(Discrete) @create_shared_memory.register(MultiDiscrete) @create_shared_memory.register(MultiBinary) def _create_base_shared_memory(space, n: int = 1, ctx=mp): dtype = space.dtype.char if dtype in "?": dtype = c_bool return ctx.Array(dtype, n * int( @create_shared_memory.register(Tuple) def _create_tuple_shared_memory(space, n: int = 1, ctx=mp): return tuple( create_shared_memory(subspace, n=n, ctx=ctx) for subspace in space.spaces ) @create_shared_memory.register(Dict) def _create_dict_shared_memory(space, n=1, ctx=mp): return OrderedDict( [ (key, create_shared_memory(subspace, n=n, ctx=ctx)) for (key, subspace) in space.spaces.items() ] )
[docs]@singledispatch def read_from_shared_memory( space: Space, shared_memory: Union[dict, tuple, mp.Array], n: int = 1 ) -> Union[dict, tuple, np.ndarray]: """Read the batch of observations from shared memory as a numpy array. ..notes:: The numpy array objects returned by `read_from_shared_memory` shares the memory of `shared_memory`. Any changes to `shared_memory` are forwarded to `observations`, and vice-versa. To avoid any side-effect, use `np.copy`. Args: space: Observation space of a single environment in the vectorized environment. shared_memory: Shared object across processes. This contains the observations from the vectorized environment. This object is created with `create_shared_memory`. n: Number of environments in the vectorized environment (i.e. the number of processes). Returns: Batch of observations as a (possibly nested) numpy array. Raises: CustomSpaceError: Space is not a valid :class:`gymnasium.Space` instance """ raise CustomSpaceError( "Cannot read from a shared memory for space with " f"type `{type(space)}`. Shared memory only supports " "default Gymnasium spaces (e.g. `Box`, `Tuple`, " "`Dict`, etc...), and does not support custom " "Gymnasium spaces." )
@read_from_shared_memory.register(Box) @read_from_shared_memory.register(Discrete) @read_from_shared_memory.register(MultiDiscrete) @read_from_shared_memory.register(MultiBinary) def _read_base_from_shared_memory(space, shared_memory, n: int = 1): return np.frombuffer(shared_memory.get_obj(), dtype=space.dtype).reshape( (n,) + space.shape ) @read_from_shared_memory.register(Tuple) def _read_tuple_from_shared_memory(space, shared_memory, n: int = 1): return tuple( read_from_shared_memory(subspace, memory, n=n) for (memory, subspace) in zip(shared_memory, space.spaces) ) @read_from_shared_memory.register(Dict) def _read_dict_from_shared_memory(space, shared_memory, n: int = 1): return OrderedDict( [ (key, read_from_shared_memory(subspace, shared_memory[key], n=n)) for (key, subspace) in space.spaces.items() ] )
[docs]@singledispatch def write_to_shared_memory( space: Space, index: int, value: np.ndarray, shared_memory: Union[dict, tuple, mp.Array], ): """Write the observation of a single environment into shared memory. Args: space: Observation space of a single environment in the vectorized environment. index: Index of the environment (must be in `[0, num_envs)`). value: Observation of the single environment to write to shared memory. shared_memory: Shared object across processes. This contains the observations from the vectorized environment. This object is created with `create_shared_memory`. Raises: CustomSpaceError: Space is not a valid :class:`gymnasium.Space` instance """ raise CustomSpaceError( "Cannot write to a shared memory for space with " f"type `{type(space)}`. Shared memory only supports " "default Gymnasium spaces (e.g. `Box`, `Tuple`, " "`Dict`, etc...), and does not support custom " "Gymnasium spaces." )
@write_to_shared_memory.register(Box) @write_to_shared_memory.register(Discrete) @write_to_shared_memory.register(MultiDiscrete) @write_to_shared_memory.register(MultiBinary) def _write_base_to_shared_memory(space, index, value, shared_memory): size = int( destination = np.frombuffer(shared_memory.get_obj(), dtype=space.dtype) np.copyto( destination[index * size : (index + 1) * size], np.asarray(value, dtype=space.dtype).flatten(), ) @write_to_shared_memory.register(Tuple) def _write_tuple_to_shared_memory(space, index, values, shared_memory): for value, memory, subspace in zip(values, shared_memory, space.spaces): write_to_shared_memory(subspace, index, value, memory) @write_to_shared_memory.register(Dict) def _write_dict_to_shared_memory(space, index, values, shared_memory): for key, subspace in space.spaces.items(): write_to_shared_memory(subspace, index, values[key], shared_memory[key])