Source code for gymnasium.experimental.wrappers.stateful_reward

"""A collection of wrappers for modifying the reward with an internal state.

* ``NormalizeRewardV1`` - Normalizes the rewards to a mean and standard deviation
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, SupportsFloat

import numpy as np

import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium.core import ActType, ObsType
from gymnasium.experimental.wrappers.utils import RunningMeanStd

__all__ = ["NormalizeRewardV1"]

[docs]class NormalizeRewardV1( gym.Wrapper[ObsType, ActType, ObsType, ActType], gym.utils.RecordConstructorArgs ): r"""This wrapper will normalize immediate rewards s.t. their exponential moving average has a fixed variance. The exponential moving average will have variance :math:`(1 - \gamma)^2`. The property `_update_running_mean` allows to freeze/continue the running mean calculation of the reward statistics. If `True` (default), the `RunningMeanStd` will get updated every time `self.normalize()` is called. If False, the calculated statistics are used but not updated anymore; this may be used during evaluation. Note: In v0.27, NormalizeReward was updated as the forward discounted reward estimate was incorrect computed in Gym v0.25+. For more detail, read [#3154]( Note: The scaling depends on past trajectories and rewards will not be scaled correctly if the wrapper was newly instantiated or the policy was changed recently. """ def __init__( self, env: gym.Env[ObsType, ActType], gamma: float = 0.99, epsilon: float = 1e-8, ): """This wrapper will normalize immediate rewards s.t. their exponential moving average has a fixed variance. Args: env (env): The environment to apply the wrapper epsilon (float): A stability parameter gamma (float): The discount factor that is used in the exponential moving average. """ gym.utils.RecordConstructorArgs.__init__(self, gamma=gamma, epsilon=epsilon) gym.Wrapper.__init__(self, env) self.rewards_running_means = RunningMeanStd(shape=()) self.discounted_reward: np.array = np.array([0.0]) self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self._update_running_mean = True @property def update_running_mean(self) -> bool: """Property to freeze/continue the running mean calculation of the reward statistics.""" return self._update_running_mean @update_running_mean.setter def update_running_mean(self, setting: bool): """Sets the property to freeze/continue the running mean calculation of the reward statistics.""" self._update_running_mean = setting def step( self, action: ActType ) -> tuple[ObsType, SupportsFloat, bool, bool, dict[str, Any]]: """Steps through the environment, normalizing the reward returned.""" obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = super().step(action) self.discounted_reward = self.discounted_reward * self.gamma * ( 1 - terminated ) + float(reward) return obs, self.normalize(float(reward)), terminated, truncated, info def normalize(self, reward: SupportsFloat): """Normalizes the rewards with the running mean rewards and their variance.""" if self._update_running_mean: self.rewards_running_means.update(self.discounted_reward) return reward / np.sqrt(self.rewards_running_means.var + self.epsilon)