List of Wrappers#
Gymnasium provides a number of commonly used wrappers listed below. More information can be found on the particular wrapper in the page on the wrapper type
Name |
Description |
Implements the common preprocessing techniques for Atari environments (excluding frame stacking). |
The wrapped environment is automatically reset when an terminated or truncated state is reached. |
Clips the |
Clips the rewards for an environment between an upper and lower bound. |
Adds a delay to the returned observation from the environment. |
Modifies the dtype of an observation array to a specified dtype. |
Filters a Dict or Tuple observation spaces by a set of keys or indexes. |
Flattens the environment’s observation space and each observation from |
Stacks the observations from the last |
Converts an image observation computed by |
Allows human like rendering for environments that support “rgb_array” rendering. |
Wraps a Jax-based environment such that it can be interacted with NumPy arrays. |
Wraps a Jax-based environment so that it can be interacted with PyTorch Tensors. |
Skips the N-th frame (observation) and return the max values between the two last observations. |
Normalizes observations to be centered at the mean with unit variance. |
Normalizes immediate rewards such that their exponential moving average has a fixed variance. |
Wraps a NumPy-based environment such that it can be interacted with PyTorch Tensors. |
Will produce an error if |
A passive environment checker wrapper that surrounds the |
This wrapper will keep track of cumulative rewards and episode lengths. |
Records videos of environment episodes using the environment’s render function. |
Collect rendered frames of an environment such |
Includes the rendered observations in the environment’s observations. |
Affinely (linearly) rescales a |
Affinely (linearly) rescales a |
Reshapes Array based observations to a specified shape. |
Resizes image observations using OpenCV to a specified shape. |
Adds a probability that the action is repeated for the same |
Augment the observation with the number of time steps taken within an episode. |
Limits the number of steps for an environment through truncating the environment if a maximum number of timesteps is exceeded. |
Applies a function to the |
Applies a function to the |
Applies a function to the |
Vector only Wrappers#
Name |
Description |
Converts infos of vectorized environments from |
Vectorizes a single-agent transform action wrapper for vector environments. |
Vectorizes a single-agent transform observation wrapper for vector environments. |
Vectorizes a single-agent transform reward wrapper for vector environments. |