"""Implementation of a space that consists of binary np.ndarrays of a fixed shape."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Sequence
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from gymnasium.spaces.space import MaskNDArray, Space
class MultiBinary(Space[NDArray[np.int8]]):
"""An n-shape binary space.
Elements of this space are binary arrays of a shape that is fixed during construction.
>>> from gymnasium.spaces import MultiBinary
>>> observation_space = MultiBinary(5, seed=42)
>>> observation_space.sample()
array([1, 0, 1, 0, 1], dtype=int8)
>>> observation_space = MultiBinary([3, 2], seed=42)
>>> observation_space.sample()
array([[1, 0],
[1, 0],
[1, 1]], dtype=int8)
def __init__(
n: NDArray[np.integer[Any]] | Sequence[int] | int,
seed: int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
"""Constructor of :class:`MultiBinary` space.
n: This will fix the shape of elements of the space. It can either be an integer (if the space is flat)
or some sort of sequence (tuple, list or np.ndarray) if there are multiple axes.
seed: Optionally, you can use this argument to seed the RNG that is used to sample from the space.
if isinstance(n, (Sequence, np.ndarray)):
self.n = input_n = tuple(int(i) for i in n)
assert (np.asarray(input_n) > 0).all() # n (counts) have to be positive
self.n = n = int(n)
input_n = (n,)
assert (np.asarray(input_n) > 0).all() # n (counts) have to be positive
super().__init__(input_n, np.int8, seed)
def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
"""Has stricter type than gym.Space - never None."""
return self._shape # type: ignore
def is_np_flattenable(self):
"""Checks whether this space can be flattened to a :class:`spaces.Box`."""
return True
def sample(
self, mask: MaskNDArray | None = None, probability: MaskNDArray | None = None
) -> NDArray[np.int8]:
"""Generates a single random sample from this space.
A sample is drawn by independent, fair coin tosses (one toss per binary variable of the space).
mask: An optional ``np.ndarray`` to mask samples with expected shape of ``space.shape``.
For ``mask == 0`` then the samples will be ``0``, for a ``mask == 1`` then the samples will be ``1``.
For random samples, using a mask value of ``2``.
The expected mask shape is the space shape and mask dtype is ``np.int8``.
probability: An optional ``np.ndarray`` to mask samples with expected shape of space.shape where each element
represents the probability of the corresponding sample element being a 1.
The expected mask shape is the space shape and mask dtype is ``np.float64``.
Sampled values from space
if mask is not None and probability is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"Only one of `mask` or `probability` can be provided, actual values: mask={mask}, probability={probability}"
if mask is not None:
assert isinstance(
mask, np.ndarray
), f"The expected type of the mask is np.ndarray, actual type: {type(mask)}"
assert (
mask.dtype == np.int8
), f"The expected dtype of the mask is np.int8, actual dtype: {mask.dtype}"
assert (
mask.shape == self.shape
), f"The expected shape of the mask is {self.shape}, actual shape: {mask.shape}"
assert np.all(
(mask == 0) | (mask == 1) | (mask == 2)
), f"All values of a mask should be 0, 1 or 2, actual values: {mask}"
return np.where(
mask == 2,
self.np_random.integers(low=0, high=2, size=self.n, dtype=self.dtype),
elif probability is not None:
assert isinstance(
probability, np.ndarray
), f"The expected type of the probability is np.ndarray, actual type: {type(probability)}"
assert (
probability.dtype == np.float64
), f"The expected dtype of the probability is np.float64, actual dtype: {probability.dtype}"
assert (
probability.shape == self.shape
), f"The expected shape of the probability is {self.shape}, actual shape: {probability}"
assert np.all(
np.logical_and(probability >= 0, probability <= 1)
), f"All values of the sample probability should be between 0 and 1, actual values: {probability}"
return (self.np_random.random(size=self.shape) <= probability).astype(
return self.np_random.integers(low=0, high=2, size=self.n, dtype=self.dtype)
def contains(self, x: Any) -> bool:
"""Return boolean specifying if x is a valid member of this space."""
if isinstance(x, Sequence):
x = np.array(x) # Promote list to array for contains check
return bool(
isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
and self.shape == x.shape
and np.all(np.logical_or(x == 0, x == 1))
def to_jsonable(self, sample_n: Sequence[NDArray[np.int8]]) -> list[Sequence[int]]:
"""Convert a batch of samples from this space to a JSONable data type."""
return np.array(sample_n).tolist()
def from_jsonable(self, sample_n: list[Sequence[int]]) -> list[NDArray[np.int8]]:
"""Convert a JSONable data type to a batch of samples from this space."""
return [np.asarray(sample, self.dtype) for sample in sample_n]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Gives a string representation of this space."""
return f"MultiBinary({self.n})"
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
"""Check whether `other` is equivalent to this instance."""
return isinstance(other, MultiBinary) and self.n == other.n