"""Implementation of a space that represents the cartesian product of other spaces as a dictionary."""
from __future__ import annotations
import collections.abc
import typing
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, KeysView, Sequence
import numpy as np
from gymnasium.spaces.space import Space
class Dict(Space[typing.Dict[str, Any]], typing.Mapping[str, Space[Any]]):
"""A dictionary of :class:`Space` instances.
Elements of this space are (ordered) dictionaries of elements from the constituent spaces.
>>> from gymnasium.spaces import Dict, Box, Discrete
>>> observation_space = Dict({"position": Box(-1, 1, shape=(2,)), "color": Discrete(3)}, seed=42)
>>> observation_space.sample()
{'color': np.int64(0), 'position': array([-0.3991573 , 0.21649833], dtype=float32)}
With a nested dict:
>>> from gymnasium.spaces import Box, Dict, Discrete, MultiBinary, MultiDiscrete
>>> Dict( # doctest: +SKIP
... {
... "ext_controller": MultiDiscrete([5, 2, 2]),
... "inner_state": Dict(
... {
... "charge": Discrete(100),
... "system_checks": MultiBinary(10),
... "job_status": Dict(
... {
... "task": Discrete(5),
... "progress": Box(low=0, high=100, shape=()),
... }
... ),
... }
... ),
... }
... )
It can be convenient to use :class:`Dict` spaces if you want to make complex observations or actions more human-readable.
Usually, it will not be possible to use elements of this space directly in learning code. However, you can easily
convert :class:`Dict` observations to flat arrays by using a :class:`gymnasium.wrappers.FlattenObservation` wrapper.
Similar wrappers can be implemented to deal with :class:`Dict` actions.
def __init__(
spaces: None | dict[str, Space] | Sequence[tuple[str, Space]] = None,
seed: dict | int | np.random.Generator | None = None,
**spaces_kwargs: Space,
"""Constructor of :class:`Dict` space.
This space can be instantiated in one of two ways: Either you pass a dictionary
of spaces to :meth:`__init__` via the ``spaces`` argument, or you pass the spaces as separate
keyword arguments (where you will need to avoid the keys ``spaces`` and ``seed``)
spaces: A dictionary of spaces. This specifies the structure of the :class:`Dict` space
seed: Optionally, you can use this argument to seed the RNGs of the spaces that make up the :class:`Dict` space.
**spaces_kwargs: If ``spaces`` is ``None``, you need to pass the constituent spaces as keyword arguments, as described above.
if isinstance(spaces, OrderedDict):
spaces = dict(spaces.items())
elif isinstance(spaces, collections.abc.Mapping):
# for legacy reasons, we need to preserve the sorted dictionary items.
# as this could matter for projects flatten the dictionary.
spaces = dict(sorted(spaces.items()))
except TypeError:
# Incomparable types (e.g. `int` vs. `str`, or user-defined types) found.
# The keys remain in the insertion order.
spaces = dict(spaces.items())
elif isinstance(spaces, Sequence):
spaces = dict(spaces)
elif spaces is None:
spaces = dict()
raise TypeError(
f"Unexpected Dict space input, expecting dict, OrderedDict or Sequence, actual type: {type(spaces)}"
# Add kwargs to spaces to allow both dictionary and keywords to be used
for key, space in spaces_kwargs.items():
if key not in spaces:
spaces[key] = space
raise ValueError(
f"Dict space keyword '{key}' already exists in the spaces dictionary."
self.spaces: dict[str, Space[Any]] = spaces
for key, space in self.spaces.items():
assert isinstance(
space, Space
), f"Dict space element is not an instance of Space: key='{key}', space={space}"
# None for shape and dtype, since it'll require special handling
super().__init__(None, None, seed) # type: ignore
def is_np_flattenable(self):
"""Checks whether this space can be flattened to a :class:`spaces.Box`."""
return all(space.is_np_flattenable for space in self.spaces.values())
def seed(self, seed: int | dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> dict[str, int]:
"""Seed the PRNG of this space and all subspaces.
Depending on the type of seed, the subspaces will be seeded differently
* ``None`` - All the subspaces will use a random initial seed
* ``Int`` - The integer is used to seed the :class:`Dict` space that is used to generate seed values for each of the subspaces. Warning, this does not guarantee unique seeds for all subspaces, though is very unlikely.
* ``Dict`` - A dictionary of seeds for each subspace, requires a seed key for every subspace. This supports seeding of multiple composite subspaces (``Dict["space": Dict[...], ...]`` with ``{"space": {...}, ...}``).
seed: An optional int or dictionary of subspace keys to int to seed each PRNG. See above for more details.
A dictionary for the seed values of the subspaces
if seed is None:
return {key: subspace.seed(None) for (key, subspace) in self.spaces.items()}
elif isinstance(seed, int):
# Using `np.int32` will mean that the same key occurring is extremely low, even for large subspaces
subseeds = self.np_random.integers(
np.iinfo(np.int32).max, size=len(self.spaces)
return {
key: subspace.seed(int(subseed))
for (key, subspace), subseed in zip(self.spaces.items(), subseeds)
elif isinstance(seed, dict):
if seed.keys() != self.spaces.keys():
raise ValueError(
f"The seed keys: {seed.keys()} are not identical to space keys: {self.spaces.keys()}"
return {key: self.spaces[key].seed(seed[key]) for key in seed.keys()}
raise TypeError(
f"Expected seed type: dict, int or None, actual type: {type(seed)}"
def sample(
mask: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
probability: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Generates a single random sample from this space.
The sample is an ordered dictionary of independent samples from the constituent spaces.
mask: An optional mask for each of the subspaces, expects the same keys as the space
probability: An optional probability mask for each of the subspaces, expects the same keys as the space
A dictionary with the same key and sampled values from :attr:`self.spaces`
if mask is not None and probability is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"Only one of `mask` or `probability` can be provided, actual values: mask={mask}, probability={probability}"
elif mask is not None:
assert isinstance(
mask, dict
), f"Expected sample mask to be a dict, actual type: {type(mask)}"
assert (
mask.keys() == self.spaces.keys()
), f"Expected sample mask keys to be same as space keys, mask keys: {mask.keys()}, space keys: {self.spaces.keys()}"
return {k: space.sample(mask=mask[k]) for k, space in self.spaces.items()}
elif probability is not None:
assert isinstance(
probability, dict
), f"Expected sample probability mask to be a dict, actual type: {type(probability)}"
assert (
probability.keys() == self.spaces.keys()
), f"Expected sample probability mask keys to be same as space keys, mask keys: {probability.keys()}, space keys: {self.spaces.keys()}"
return {
k: space.sample(probability=probability[k])
for k, space in self.spaces.items()
return {k: space.sample() for k, space in self.spaces.items()}
def contains(self, x: Any) -> bool:
"""Return boolean specifying if x is a valid member of this space."""
if isinstance(x, dict) and x.keys() == self.spaces.keys():
return all(x[key] in self.spaces[key] for key in self.spaces.keys())
return False
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Space[Any]:
"""Get the space that is associated to `key`."""
return self.spaces[key]
def keys(self) -> KeysView:
"""Returns the keys of the Dict."""
return KeysView(self.spaces)
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Space[Any]):
"""Set the space that is associated to `key`."""
assert isinstance(
value, Space
), f"Trying to set {key} to Dict space with value that is not a gymnasium space, actual type: {type(value)}"
self.spaces[key] = value
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterator through the keys of the subspaces."""
yield from self.spaces
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Gives the number of simpler spaces that make up the `Dict` space."""
return len(self.spaces)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Gives a string representation of this space."""
return (
"Dict(" + ", ".join([f"{k!r}: {s}" for k, s in self.spaces.items()]) + ")"
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
"""Check whether `other` is equivalent to this instance."""
return (
isinstance(other, Dict)
# Comparison of `OrderedDict`s is order-sensitive
and self.spaces == other.spaces # OrderedDict.__eq__
def to_jsonable(self, sample_n: Sequence[dict[str, Any]]) -> dict[str, list[Any]]:
"""Convert a batch of samples from this space to a JSONable data type."""
# serialize as dict-repr of vectors
return {
key: space.to_jsonable([sample[key] for sample in sample_n])
for key, space in self.spaces.items()
def from_jsonable(self, sample_n: dict[str, list[Any]]) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Convert a JSONable data type to a batch of samples from this space."""
dict_of_list: dict[str, list[Any]] = {
key: space.from_jsonable(sample_n[key])
for key, space in self.spaces.items()
n_elements = len(next(iter(dict_of_list.values())))
result = [
{key: value[n] for key, value in dict_of_list.items()}
for n in range(n_elements)
return result