Make your own custom environment#
This documentation overviews creating new environments and relevant useful wrappers, utilities and tests included in Gymnasium designed for the creation of new environments.
Recommended solution#
following the pipx documentation.Then install Copier:
pipx install copier
Alternative solutions#
Install Copier with Pip or Conda:
pip install copier
conda install -c conda-forge copier
Generate your environment#
You can check that Copier
has been correctly installed by running the following command, which should output a version number:
copier --version
Then you can just run the following command and replace the string path/to/directory
by the path to the directory where you want to create your new project.
copier copy "path/to/directory"
Answer the questions, and when it’s finished you should get a project structure like the following:
├── gymnasium_env
│ ├── envs
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ └── wrappers
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── pyproject.toml
Subclassing gymnasium.Env#
Before learning how to create your own environment you should check out the documentation of Gymnasium’s API.
To illustrate the process of subclassing gymnasium.Env
, we will
implement a very simplistic game, called GridWorldEnv
. We will write
the code for our custom environment in
. The environment
consists of a 2-dimensional square grid of fixed size (specified via the
parameter during construction). The agent can move vertically
or horizontally between grid cells in each timestep. The goal of the
agent is to navigate to a target on the grid that has been placed
randomly at the beginning of the episode.
Observations provide the location of the target and agent.
There are 4 actions in our environment, corresponding to the movements “right”, “up”, “left”, and “down”.
A done signal is issued as soon as the agent has navigated to the grid cell where the target is located.
Rewards are binary and sparse, meaning that the immediate reward is always zero, unless the agent has reached the target, then it is 1.
An episode in this environment (with size=5
) might look like this:
where the blue dot is the agent and the red square represents the target.
Let us look at the source code of GridWorldEnv
piece by piece:
Declaration and Initialization#
Our custom environment will inherit from the abstract class
. You shouldn’t forget to add the metadata
attribute to your class. There, you should specify the render-modes that
are supported by your environment (e.g., "human"
, "rgb_array"
) and the framerate at which your environment should be
rendered. Every environment should support None
as render-mode; you
don’t need to add it in the metadata. In GridWorldEnv
, we will
support the modes “rgb_array” and “human” and render at 4 FPS.
The __init__
method of our environment will accept the integer
, that determines the size of the square grid. We will set up
some variables for rendering and define self.observation_space
. In our case, observations should provide
information about the location of the agent and target on the
2-dimensional grid. We will choose to represent observations in the form
of dictionaries with keys "agent"
and "target"
. An observation
may look like {"agent": array([1, 0]), "target": array([0, 3])}
Since we have 4 actions in our environment (“right”, “up”, “left”,
“down”), we will use Discrete(4)
as an action space. Here is the
declaration of GridWorldEnv
and the implementation of __init__
# gymnasium_env/envs/
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
import pygame
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium import spaces
class Actions(Enum):
UP = 1
LEFT = 2
DOWN = 3
class GridWorldEnv(gym.Env):
metadata = {"render_modes": ["human", "rgb_array"], "render_fps": 4}
def __init__(self, render_mode=None, size=5):
self.size = size # The size of the square grid
self.window_size = 512 # The size of the PyGame window
# Observations are dictionaries with the agent's and the target's location.
# Each location is encoded as an element of {0, ..., `size`}^2, i.e. MultiDiscrete([size, size]).
self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(
"agent": spaces.Box(0, size - 1, shape=(2,), dtype=int),
"target": spaces.Box(0, size - 1, shape=(2,), dtype=int),
self._agent_location = np.array([-1, -1], dtype=int)
self._target_location = np.array([-1, -1], dtype=int)
# We have 4 actions, corresponding to "right", "up", "left", "down"
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4)
The following dictionary maps abstract actions from `self.action_space` to
the direction we will walk in if that action is taken.
i.e. 0 corresponds to "right", 1 to "up" etc.
self._action_to_direction = {
Actions.RIGHT.value: np.array([1, 0]),
Actions.UP.value: np.array([0, 1]),
Actions.LEFT.value: np.array([-1, 0]),
Actions.DOWN.value: np.array([0, -1]),
assert render_mode is None or render_mode in self.metadata["render_modes"]
self.render_mode = render_mode
If human-rendering is used, `self.window` will be a reference
to the window that we draw to. `self.clock` will be a clock that is used
to ensure that the environment is rendered at the correct framerate in
human-mode. They will remain `None` until human-mode is used for the
first time.
self.window = None
self.clock = None
Constructing Observations From Environment States#
Since we will need to compute observations both in reset
, it is often convenient to have a (private) method _get_obs
that translates the environment’s state into an observation. However,
this is not mandatory and you may as well compute observations in
and step
def _get_obs(self):
return {"agent": self._agent_location, "target": self._target_location}
We can also implement a similar method for the auxiliary information
that is returned by step
and reset
. In our case, we would like
to provide the manhattan distance between the agent and the target:
def _get_info(self):
return {
"distance": np.linalg.norm(
self._agent_location - self._target_location, ord=1
Oftentimes, info will also contain some data that is only available
inside the step
method (e.g., individual reward terms). In that case,
we would have to update the dictionary that is returned by _get_info
in step
The reset
method will be called to initiate a new episode. You may
assume that the step
method will not be called before reset
been called. Moreover, reset
should be called whenever a done signal
has been issued. Users may pass the seed
keyword to reset
initialize any random number generator that is used by the environment
to a deterministic state. It is recommended to use the random number
generator self.np_random
that is provided by the environment’s base
class, gymnasium.Env
. If you only use this RNG, you do not need to
worry much about seeding, but you need to remember to call
``super().reset(seed=seed)`` to make sure that gymnasium.Env
correctly seeds the RNG. Once this is done, we can randomly set the
state of our environment. In our case, we randomly choose the agent’s
location and the random sample target positions, until it does not
coincide with the agent’s position.
The reset
method should return a tuple of the initial observation
and some auxiliary information. We can use the methods _get_obs
that we implemented earlier for that:
def reset(self, seed=None, options=None):
# We need the following line to seed self.np_random
# Choose the agent's location uniformly at random
self._agent_location = self.np_random.integers(0, self.size, size=2, dtype=int)
# We will sample the target's location randomly until it does not coincide with the agent's location
self._target_location = self._agent_location
while np.array_equal(self._target_location, self._agent_location):
self._target_location = self.np_random.integers(
0, self.size, size=2, dtype=int
observation = self._get_obs()
info = self._get_info()
if self.render_mode == "human":
return observation, info
The step
method usually contains most of the logic of your
environment. It accepts an action
, computes the state of the
environment after applying that action and returns the 5-tuple
(observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info)
. See
. Once the new state of the environment has
been computed, we can check whether it is a terminal state and we set
accordingly. Since we are using sparse binary rewards in
, computing reward
is trivial once we know
.To gather observation
and info
, we can again make
use of _get_obs
and _get_info
def step(self, action):
# Map the action (element of {0,1,2,3}) to the direction we walk in
direction = self._action_to_direction[action]
# We use `np.clip` to make sure we don't leave the grid
self._agent_location = np.clip(
self._agent_location + direction, 0, self.size - 1
# An episode is done iff the agent has reached the target
terminated = np.array_equal(self._agent_location, self._target_location)
reward = 1 if terminated else 0 # Binary sparse rewards
observation = self._get_obs()
info = self._get_info()
if self.render_mode == "human":
return observation, reward, terminated, False, info
Here, we are using PyGame for rendering. A similar approach to rendering is used in many environments that are included with Gymnasium and you can use it as a skeleton for your own environments:
def render(self):
if self.render_mode == "rgb_array":
return self._render_frame()
def _render_frame(self):
if self.window is None and self.render_mode == "human":
self.window = pygame.display.set_mode(
(self.window_size, self.window_size)
if self.clock is None and self.render_mode == "human":
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
canvas = pygame.Surface((self.window_size, self.window_size))
canvas.fill((255, 255, 255))
pix_square_size = (
self.window_size / self.size
) # The size of a single grid square in pixels
# First we draw the target
(255, 0, 0),
pix_square_size * self._target_location,
(pix_square_size, pix_square_size),
# Now we draw the agent
(0, 0, 255),
(self._agent_location + 0.5) * pix_square_size,
pix_square_size / 3,
# Finally, add some gridlines
for x in range(self.size + 1):
(0, pix_square_size * x),
(self.window_size, pix_square_size * x),
(pix_square_size * x, 0),
(pix_square_size * x, self.window_size),
if self.render_mode == "human":
# The following line copies our drawings from `canvas` to the visible window
self.window.blit(canvas, canvas.get_rect())
# We need to ensure that human-rendering occurs at the predefined framerate.
# The following line will automatically add a delay to keep the framerate stable.
else: # rgb_array
return np.transpose(
np.array(pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(canvas)), axes=(1, 0, 2)
The close
method should close any open resources that were used by
the environment. In many cases, you don’t actually have to bother to
implement this method. However, in our example render_mode
may be
and we might need to close the window that has been opened:
def close(self):
if self.window is not None:
In other environments close
might also close files that were opened
or release other resources. You shouldn’t interact with the environment
after having called close
Registering Envs#
In order for the custom environments to be detected by Gymnasium, they
must be registered as follows. We will choose to put this code in
from gymnasium.envs.registration import register
The environment ID consists of three components, two of which are
optional: an optional namespace (here: gymnasium_env
), a mandatory
name (here: GridWorld
) and an optional but recommended version
(here: v0). It might have also been registered as GridWorld-v0
recommended approach), GridWorld
or gymnasium_env/GridWorld
, and
the appropriate ID should then be used during environment creation.
The keyword argument max_episode_steps=300
will ensure that
GridWorld environments that are instantiated via gymnasium.make
be wrapped in a TimeLimit
wrapper (see the wrapper
documentation for more information). A done signal
will then be produced if the agent has reached the target or 300 steps
have been executed in the current episode. To distinguish truncation and
termination, you can check info["TimeLimit.truncated"]
Apart from id
and entrypoint
, you may pass the following
additional keyword arguments to register
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
The reward threshold before the task is considered solved |
Whether this environment is non-deterministic even after seeding |
The maximum number of steps that an episode can consist of. If not |
Whether to wrap the environment in an |
The default kwargs to pass to the environment class |
Most of these keywords (except for max_episode_steps
and kwargs
) do not alter the behavior of
environment instances but merely provide some extra information about
your environment. After registration, our custom GridWorldEnv
environment can be created with
env = gymnasium.make('gymnasium_env/GridWorld-v0')
should have:
from gymnasium_env.envs.grid_world import GridWorldEnv
If your environment is not registered, you may optionally pass a module
to import, that would register your environment before creating it like
this - env = gymnasium.make('module:Env-v0')
, where module
contains the registration code. For the GridWorld env, the registration
code is run by importing gymnasium_env
so if it were not possible to
import gymnasium_env explicitly, you could register while making by
env = gymnasium.make('gymnasium_env:gymnasium_env/GridWorld-v0)
. This
is especially useful when you’re allowed to pass only the environment ID
into a third-party codebase (eg. learning library). This lets you
register your environment without needing to edit the library’s source
Creating a Package#
The last step is to structure our code as a Python package. This
involves configuring pyproject.toml
. A minimal example of how
to do so is as follows:
requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""
name = "gymnasium_env"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = [
Creating Environment Instances#
Now you can install your package locally with:
pip install -e .
And you can create an instance of the environment via:
import gymnasium
import gymnasium_env
env = gymnasium.make('gymnasium_env/GridWorld-v0')
You can also pass keyword arguments of your environment’s constructor to
to customize the environment. In our case, we could
env = gymnasium.make('gymnasium_env/GridWorld-v0', size=10)
Sometimes, you may find it more convenient to skip registration and call the environment’s constructor yourself. Some may find this approach more pythonic and environments that are instantiated like this are also perfectly fine (but remember to add wrappers as well!).
Using Wrappers#
Oftentimes, we want to use different variants of a custom environment, or we want to modify the behavior of an environment that is provided by Gymnasium or some other party. Wrappers allow us to do this without changing the environment implementation or adding any boilerplate code. Check out the wrapper documentation for details on how to use wrappers and instructions for implementing your own. In our example, observations cannot be used directly in learning code because they are dictionaries. However, we don’t actually need to touch our environment implementation to fix this! We can simply add a wrapper on top of environment instances to flatten observations into a single array:
import gymnasium
import gymnasium_env
from gymnasium.wrappers import FlattenObservation
env = gymnasium.make('gymnasium_env/GridWorld-v0')
wrapped_env = FlattenObservation(env)
print(wrapped_env.reset()) # E.g. [3 0 3 3], {}
Wrappers have the big advantage that they make environments highly
modular. For instance, instead of flattening the observations from
GridWorld, you might only want to look at the relative position of the
target and the agent. In the section on
ObservationWrappers we have
implemented a wrapper that does this job. This wrapper is also available
in gymnasium_env/wrappers/
import gymnasium
import gymnasium_env
from gymnasium_env.wrappers import RelativePosition
env = gymnasium.make('gymnasium_env/GridWorld-v0')
wrapped_env = RelativePosition(env)
print(wrapped_env.reset()) # E.g. [-3 3], {}