Spaces Utils#
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: Space) int #
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: Union[Box, MultiBinary]) int
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: Union[Box, MultiBinary]) int
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: Discrete) int
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: MultiDiscrete) int
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: Tuple) int
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: Dict) int
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: Graph)
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatdim(space: Text) int
Return the number of dimensions a flattened equivalent of this space would have.
Example usage:
>>> from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete >>> space = Dict({"position": Discrete(2), "velocity": Discrete(3)}) >>> flatdim(space) 5
- Parameters:
space – The space to return the number of dimensions of the flattened spaces
- Returns:
The number of dimensions for the flattened spaces
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – if the space is not defined in
.ValueError – if the space cannot be flattened into a
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Space) Union[Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Graph] #
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Box) Box
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Union[Discrete, MultiBinary, MultiDiscrete]) Box
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Union[Discrete, MultiBinary, MultiDiscrete]) Box
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Union[Discrete, MultiBinary, MultiDiscrete]) Box
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Tuple) Union[Box, Tuple]
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Dict) Union[Box, Dict]
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Graph) Graph
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Text) Box
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten_space(space: Sequence) Sequence
Flatten a space into a space that is as flat as possible.
This function will attempt to flatten space into a single
space. However, this might not be possible when space is an instance ofGraph
or a compound space that contains aGraph
orSequence`space. This is equivalent to :func:`flatten
, but operates on the space itself. The result for non-graph spaces is always a Box with flat boundaries. While the result for graph spaces is always a Graph with node_space being a Box with flat boundaries and edge_space being a Box with flat boundaries or None. The box has exactlyflatdim()
dimensions. Flattening a sample of the original space has the same effect as taking a sample of the flattenend space.Example:
>>> box = Box(0.0, 1.0, shape=(3, 4, 5)) >>> box Box(3, 4, 5) >>> flatten_space(box) Box(60,) >>> flatten(box, box.sample()) in flatten_space(box) True
Example that flattens a discrete space:
>>> discrete = Discrete(5) >>> flatten_space(discrete) Box(5,) >>> flatten(box, box.sample()) in flatten_space(box) True
Example that recursively flattens a dict:
>>> space = Dict({"position": Discrete(2), "velocity": Box(0, 1, shape=(2, 2))}) >>> flatten_space(space) Box(6,) >>> flatten(space, space.sample()) in flatten_space(space) True
Example that flattens a graph:
>>> space = Graph(node_space=Box(low=-100, high=100, shape=(3, 4)), edge_space=Discrete(5)) >>> flatten_space(space) Graph(Box(-100.0, 100.0, (12,), float32), Box(0, 1, (5,), int64)) >>> flatten(space, space.sample()) in flatten_space(space) True
- Parameters:
space – The space to flatten
- Returns:
A flattened Box
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – if the space is not defined in
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: Space[T], x: T) Union[ndarray, Dict, tuple, GraphInstance] #
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: MultiBinary, x) ndarray
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: Box, x) ndarray
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: Discrete, x) ndarray
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: MultiDiscrete, x) ndarray
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: Tuple, x) Union[tuple, ndarray]
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: Dict, x) Union[dict, ndarray]
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: Graph, x) GraphInstance
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: Text, x: str) ndarray
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.flatten(space: Sequence, x) tuple
Flatten a data point from a space.
This is useful when e.g. points from spaces must be passed to a neural network, which only understands flat arrays of floats.
- Parameters:
space – The space that
is flattened byx – The value to flatten
- Returns:
- For ``Box`` and ``MultiBinary``, this is a flattened array
- For ``Discrete`` and ``MultiDiscrete``, this is a flattened one-hot array of the sample
- For ``Tuple`` and ``Dict``, this is a concatenated array the subspaces (does not support graph subspaces)
- For graph spaces, returns `GraphInstance` where –
nodes are n x k arrays
- edges are either:
m x k arrays
- edge_links are either:
m x 2 arrays
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – If the space is not defined in
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Space[T], x: Union[ndarray, Dict, tuple, GraphInstance]) T #
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Union[Box, MultiBinary], x: ndarray) ndarray
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Union[Box, MultiBinary], x: ndarray) ndarray
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Discrete, x: ndarray) int
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: MultiDiscrete, x: ndarray) ndarray
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Tuple, x: Union[ndarray, tuple]) tuple
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Dict, x: Union[ndarray, Dict]) dict
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Graph, x: GraphInstance) GraphInstance
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Text, x: ndarray) str
- gymnasium.spaces.utils.unflatten(space: Sequence, x: tuple) tuple
Unflatten a data point from a space.
This reverses the transformation applied by
. You must ensure that thespace
argument is the same as for theflatten()
call.- Parameters:
space – The space used to unflatten
x – The array to unflatten
- Returns:
A point with a structure that matches the space.
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – if the space is not defined in